The mirror doesn't lie

Clothes shopping provides us with the rare opportunity to confront stark reality in the form of a full-length mirror. We've all been there - the outfit that looked great hanging on the display floor rack undergoes some disturbing metamorphosis on the way back to the fitting room and leaves you standing in clothes that were clearly for someone other than you. Then, at the very instant of recognition, the curtain draws back on the sales assistant peeks in to marvel, "Wow! That looks great on you!"

How do you respond to this clash of realities?
 Give the straight account of your opinion. "You've got to be kidding me. This looks terrible on me."
 Point out the specific reasons you don't like the outfit. "The collar is too wide and I don't like the way the sleeves bunch up at the cuffs."
 Disregard the comment. "Thanks, but I think I'll look around a little bit more."
 Accept the compliment and say, "Do you really think so? All right, I guess I'll take it."

Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery


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