Even for people with normally happy lives, there come times when the everyday seems just a little boring and well everyday. Although it’s certainly nice to be able to know that tomorrow will be a good day, too much predictability can leave you uninspired. But we know a way to escape that daily routine, if only for a short while. The answer lies in seeking out stimulation and the occasional thrill. This is the secret to being able to appreciate the vale of even our everyday lives.

How do we bring thrills into our lives? Watching movies, traveling, and playing sports and games of chance. Or maybe a trip to an amusement park, a world where thrills mingle with fantasies. Let’s take a trip back to that realm of childhood excitement and fun.

1. You enter the park gate, the roller coaster looms before you with a line of people waiting their turn. How long do you have to wait in line before getting to ride?
2. Your turn finally comes and now you’re racing and plunging around the course. What kinds of feelings does the speed bring out in you?
3. At the most exciting point in the course, the roller coaster dives into a pool of water and you’re drenched by the spray. What do you shout or scream at this instant?
4. Next you decide to try the merry-go-round. But during your ride, for some reason the horse you’re riding breaks down and stops moving. What do you say to the horse?
5. Your ride on the roller coaster was exciting, but it wasn’t all that it could have been. If you were going to design the perfect roller coaster, what would the course look like?

Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery

The Ride Of Your Life

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The planet Earth is 4.600 million years old. It is difficult for us to think about such an enormous' length of time because it has little meaning for us. We can, however, simplify the idea to make it more understandable. We can compare the planet Earth to a person of forty-six years of age.
Nothing is known about the first seven years of this person's life. Very little information exists about the middle period either. It was only at the age of forty-two that the Earth began to flower.
Dinosaurs and great reptiles did not appear until one year ago. When the planet was forty-five. Mammals only arrived eight months ago. In the middle of last week, man-like apes became ape-like men and began to communicate with each other. Last weekend, the Ice Age covered the Earth.

Planet Earth

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The Moon revolves once on its axis each time it orbits the Earth, thus always presenting the same face to earthbound observers. However, even to the unaided eye this unchanging face shows to contrasting types of landscape dark, plain-like areas of low relief, and brighter, decidedly more rugged regions which cover about two-thirds of the surface. Early astronomers mistakenly referred to the smooth dark areas as maria (or seas) giving the name terrae (or lands) to the bright upland regions. The terms have persisted since, even though the Moon's surface has long been known to be completely waterless.

The Moon

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What is it about reminiscences of childhood that stir up the heart so deeply and make us long to turn back the clock? Is it that sense of returning to innocence or just the pleasure of feeling young again? Those were the days when every toy, doll, and game was a special kind of treasure. The collector’s mania for antiques and memorabilia has its roots in these childhood fascinations and the desire to relive the past, if only for a short while.

Our next encounter will take us back to that simpler time, to a little candy shop down the street. Perhaps you’ll find your younger self among the goods in stock.

1. Inside the candy store, you find rows and rows of the old familiar candies, chocolate bars, chewing gums, and sweets from your youth. Some are stacked in organized shelves, some are loose in baskets and jars. What candy do you pick first, and why did you choose it? (Give the full reason behind your choice.)
2. While you’re wandering the store making selections, you notice that outside a group of children look as though they’re getting ready to enter the store. How many children actually come in?
3. You make your purchase and go home with a bag of candy. But when you open the bag, you see that the shopkeeper has added some free extra candies as a special treat for you. How many extra did you get?
4. You’ve been thinking about giving the candy you bought as a gift to someone. To whom, if anyone, would you give it to?

Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery

Sweet Memories

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People usually sing because they like music or because they feel happy. They express their happiness by singing. When a bird sings, however, its song usually means much more than that the bird is happy. Birds have many reasons for singing. They sing to give information. Their songs are their language.
The most beautiful songs are sung by male (cock) birds. They sing when they want to attract a female (hen) bird. It is their way of saying that they are looking for a wife.

Birds also sing to tell other birds to keep away. To a bird, his tree or even a branch of a tree, is his home. He does not want strangers coming near him, so he sings to warn them.
If a bird cannot sing well, he usually has some other means of giving important information. Some birds dance, spread out their tails or make other signs. One bird has a most unusual way of finding a wife. It builds a small garden of shells and flowers.

Why do birds sing

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About three thousand years ago, there were no shops. If you needed something you had to make it yourself. For example, if you needed something to wear, you had to kill an animal and get its coat. If you were a good hunter, and had a lot of coats, you could exchange them for other things you needed. You could get meat, fruit or an are. This way of exchanging things is called barter.
Later on, people began to use money. They made money from thing which would last and not go bad easily. They used stones, shells and animals' teeth. After men had discovered metal into small bars to use copper, tin, silver and gold. They made these metals into small bars so that they were easy to store and carry about. Before there were banks, people kept their money themselves. Most people hid their money in the ground. They thought that it was the safest place to store money.


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Man discovered fire many thousands of years ago. The first time he saw fire was probably when a tree was struck by lightning. He soon learned how to make fire for himself. However man probably made his first fire by rubbing two sticks together.
Fire was very important to man. He needed fire to keep himself warm at night. He used fire to cook his food. He used fire to frighten away enemies and wild animals. In some parts of the world he used fire to signal messages. Red Indians, for example, used fire to make smoke signals. In some other countries people lit fires to warn their friends of danger.


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For many years people believed that the cleverest animals after man were chimpanzees. Now, however, there is proof that dolphins may be even clever than these big apes.
Although a dolphin lives in the sea it is not a fish. It is a mammal. It is in many ways, therefore, like a human being.

Dolphins have a simple language. They are able to talk to one another. It may be possible for man to learn how to talk to dolphins. But this will not be easy because dolphins can not hear the kind of sounds man can make. If man wants to talk to dolphins, therefore, he will have to make a third language which both he and the dolphins can understand.
Dolphins are also very friendly towards man. They often follow ships. There are many stories of dolphins guiding ships through difficult and dangerous waters.

The dolphin

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