How do you make your choices when shopping for clothes? Are you lured by certain colors or patterns? Do some brands have the power to make you reach for your credit card? Or are you an inveterate bargain hunter who can't resist the chance to save 40 percent, even if it's something you don't really want or need?
Think of the clothes that are already in your closet. You may see patterns other than paisley, tartan, and flower print begin to emerge. Specifically, think of your favorite blouse or shirt. Now visualize the number of buttons on the front.

How many buttons are there, and how do you keep them buttoned when you have the shirt on? (Choose the nearest answer from the choice below.)
 It has more than five buttons down the front, and I button them all.
 There are two or three buttons on the front, and I button them all.
 There is a row of buttons on the shirt, and I leave one or two at the top unbuttoned.
 There are no buttons on the shirt.

Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery

Who's Got the Button?

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Ten thousand dollars just isn’t what it used to be. Twenty years ago, it could have bought you a new car. Fifty years ago, it could have bought you a house. Nowadays, it might get you a nice ten days in Hawaii for two or a remodelled kitchen. Still, the prospect of an extra ten grand is nothing to sneeze at.
Imagine you have won $10,000 in a random sweepstakes drawing.

What do you do with the money? (Choose one from the following.)
 Save it until you think of something you really want.
 Surf that wave of good luck right down to the racetrack and put the whole $10,000 down on a horse.
 Blow it all on an extravagant party to celebrate your good fortune.
 Take that romantic trip abroad you’ve always dreamed of.

Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery

Ten Grand

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Schoolchildren understand that page margins were made for doodling. It's almost sinful to let all the empty white space in a notebook go to waste. Scribbles, squiggles, googly-eyed faces, and hearts with arrows quickly grow and multiply, crowding into the writing space mid page. Give a child a notebook, a pencil, and sufficient time (say, the length of a history lesson), and that boundless imagination spills forth onto page after page. We're taught that doodling is a bad habit, and the notebooks we keep as adults are neater (if duller) for it. But wouldn't it be a little sad to see a student whose notebooks were filled with page after page after page of neatly printed notes and flanked by clean margins on both sides?
Imagine you are a child, doodling happily away. You have begun to draw a picture of a bear.

Which of the following looks most like your art?
 A bear snoozing away contentedly
 A bear with its arms raised in a frightened pose
 A mother bear leading her cub
 A cute bear, like a stuffed toy

Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery

Oodles of Doodles

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Keeping plants offers us the chance to give without any promise of reciprocation, gratitude, or reward. It's true that they ask for little - just some water and sunlight - but in a material sense they give even less in return. Nonetheless, houseplants enjoy a popularity that seems out of proportion to any decorative function they might perform. Perhaps we keep them because they fill a very human need: the need to be needed.

A potted plant you've been trying to keep on your balcony falls over the ledge it was sitting on. You run outside to survey the damage. What do you see?
 The plant landed on the ground upright and intact
 The pot broke, but the plant seems to have survived the fall
 The pot and plant are both smashed beyond recovery
 For some strange reason, there is no sign of either plant or pot

Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery

Look Out Below

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You have decided to admit your true feelings to a person you have loved from a distance for what seems like ages. You brought a small gift to help show your sincerity and the depth of your love, but when you finally take that leap and offer yourself, that person says, “I am sorry, but I can’t take this from you. I’m in love with someone else.” Only time will hear your broken heart. The more immediate question is, what do you do with that unwanted gifts?

Which of the following best describes the property?
 Use it yourself
 Give it to someone else
 Throw it away
 Send it by mail to the person who turned it down

Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery

Returns Policy

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Casinos make their business to have something for everyone. If you can't stand blackjack, you might just love the slot machines. If the slots do nothing for you, you can take in a floor show. If the show is no good, you can always enjoy a cocktail on the house and just soak in the colorful atmosphere. The room is alive with flashing lights, jangling bells, and the palpable smell of money, and sometimes it seems difficult to form rational thought with all the distractions the senses are offered.

Finally you succumb to the lure of the roulette wheel and the prospect of doubling your fortune in a single spin. You bet everything you have on red. The wheel spins. The ball skitters down. You close your eyes and hold your breath, thinking, Red. Red. Red. Come up red. The croupier cries, "Thirty-one, black!" and you turn and walk away without looking back.
What is your reaction on losing everything to this unkind twist of fate?

Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery

The Wheel of Fortune

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Imagine yourself in the waiting room of the emergency center at a large hospital. As you wait, you begin to look at the faces of the people around you and recognize several acquaintances of yours among the patients.

Match a person in your life with each of the following trauma cases:
 Head swathed in gauze
 Face heavily bandaged
 Leg in a cast

Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery

Trauma Central

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There’s a book out there you have been searching for, but even you yourself don’t know what it is. No subject, title, or author. No Dewey decimal or ISBN. Just a sense of certainty that when you find it, things will fall into place, and one of your life’s great purposes will be fulfilled. Maybe you’ll find it in the library or see it listed in an e-mail from an online store. You might stumble across a worn copy in the bargain bin in a used-book seller’s basement. Or maybe you’ll never find it at all. The one thing is certain: That book is out there somewhere. You just know it.

You're idly browsing the stacks of a large bookstore – not looking for any one book in particular, just looking. You wander down one aisle and begin to search intently through a tall case of books. What is your impression of the books? When answering, describe your general impression of the books’ content rather than naming specific authors, genres, or subject matter.

Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery

The Book of Life

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Imagine you're a scientist working on an experimental process to clone human beings. You have finally succeeded in cloning yourself, and using growth-acceleration technologies (patent pending), you are now the proud creator of an exact replica of your body, right down to the fingerprints. But although your clone is physically indistinguishable from you, it has a flaw in its personality that you do not find in your own.

What is your clone's shortcoming or fault?

Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery


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The winding river is both a source and a symbol of life. Rivers provide fresh water, transportation, and places to bathe, swim, fish, and relax outdoors, and as a result people have chosen to build their homes near rivers from time immemorial. Of course, there is always the danger of flooding, and the shallows serve as breeding grounds for parasites and hiding places for predators. But humans seem to have found that the benefits associated with natural waterways outweigh the risks, and few riversides today remain unsettled by our kind.
Imagine living in a home located near a river or stream.

Which of the following best describes the property?
 A home on a small island in the middle of a river
 A wide stream flowing past the home with a narrow footbridge across it
 A babbling brook running through one corner of the property
 A home whose property is crisscrossed by a maze of winding streams

Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery

At the Water's Edge

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An alien entity or maleficent elf sneaks into your closet and drawers at night and, while you slumber, shrinks each article of your clothing by the slightest imperceptible amount. Only after weeks of these nightly visitations do you begin to notice the insidious effects. Pants that once fit comfortably now seem to pinch and confine, zippers and buttons refuse to close, and you have reached the final hole in your favorite belt. Yes, you must be the victim of some sinister clothes-shrinking demon. The only alternative is... unthinkable.
All jesting aside, much of the modern world has fallen out of shape. You can try to count calories of cut down on between-meals snacks, but study after study has shown there’s only one proven and effective way to win the battle of the bulge: exercise. But exercise doesn’t have to be a chore. Fitness centers and gyms have evolved ways to minimize the drudgery while maximizing results, and those who exercise regularly will tell you that a good workout can make you feel great. Believe it or not, there are even those who claim that exercise can be fun.

  1. Some time ago, you became a member of a fitness club. But for some reason you stopped going. What was the reason you quit the club?
  2. After an extended sojourn in the land of the couch potato, you decide to give routine exercise another try, this time at a different gym. Describe how you set about looking for a new place to work out.
  3. While shopping around for a fitness center, you sign up for a free one-day trial session. Describe the appearance of the trial workout instructor.
  4. You find a club that’s to your liking and embark on a regime of regular exercise. One day you notice that the gym always seems to be playing the same type of music in the background. What kind of music is it?
Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery

Just the right fit

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Music boxes are designed for the sole purpose of making people feel good. They call us back to simpler times, lull us to sleep with their delicate tunes, even make us feel young again. All it takes is a few turns of the key. But behind that simple purpose lies a complex mechanism of interlocking cogs, gears, and wheels. Every chime a hammer strikes is also a signal that tune is winding down toward its end.

You fell in love with a particular music box at an antiques store, bought it on impulse, and took it home. Its melody is beautiful, but one day it suddenly stops playing.
  1. How long after you bought the music box did it cease to play?
  2. What do you think as you hold the broken music box in your hands?
Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery

Music Box

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Among the horror flicks, which are you afraid of the most? (click a picture to see the result)

A vengeance-crazed woman hunting down all the people she hates
A disaster movie about a sinking ship in the middle of the ocean
A serial killer randomly selecting his victims
Alien invasion on earth

  Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery

Real Fear

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Team sports generate as much passion in the stands as they do on the field, and the excitement surrounding a football championship. World Cup soccer match, or final-round basketball playoff is intense enough to send waves of energy around the world. In fact, it's often the case that the fans get more carried away by the action then do the players themselves.

  1. You are in the stands at a championship sporting event and the team you are cheering for is defending against a critical drive toward the goal as the final seconds of the game tick away. What do you shout to the players on your team?
  2. Your favorite player commits a flagrant violation and is ejected from the game, but only after protesting violently. Describe the referee's demeanor as he sends your unruly hero to the sidelines.
  3. Three.. two.. one.. the timer counts down to zero and your team has suffered a disastrous loss. Describe your honest response to this setback.
Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery

Winning Isn't Everything

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The flowers you wore to the prom are faded and brittle, an uncomfortable number of the faces in the yearbook look unfamiliar, and most of the things you learned in trigonometry seemed to vanish from your memory the instant you handed in the final to be graded. But some memories from high school stay fresh in everyone's minds, always readily available whenever the urge for a trip down memory lane should strike.

Think back on your high school graduation ceremony. Which of the following images stands out most clearly in your mind?
 The face of the principal handing out diplomas and shaking hands
 The banner reading, "Congratulations Class of XXXX"
 The ranks of students standing proudly in their caps and gowns
 The playing of the graduation march

Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery

A Day to Remember

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Imagine you are lost in a dark forest and you come across a cottage made of sweets. After checking the area to make sure no witches are lurking about, you get ready to dig in.

How do you set about consuming the house?
 I’d just start eating everything in sight
 I’d try sampling as many different kinds of sweets as I could find
 I’d find my one favorite sweet and stick to that
 I’m not very into sweets, actually I’d prefer some crunchy mixed nuts

Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery

Sweets for the Sweet

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You drew the short straw and ended up with the unenviable task of being designated driver for the night. You resign yourself to a long night of club soda and cocktail nuts and manage to make it all the way to the agreed-upon twelve o'clock final round. But your jolly companions have different ideas, and with eyes out of focus and beer on their breath, the call goes out for "just one more for the road!"

Nobody like to be a wet blanket, but you've had enough. What do you say to convince your drunken friends that it really is time to go home?
 "If you stay out any later, there's going to be hell to pay when you get home."
 "If I don't get home soon, I'm going to have to sleep in the dog-house."
 "You've already had enough. Let's go before you make yourself sick."
 "Come on, party's over. I've got to get up early tomorrow."

Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery

When the party’s over

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Imagine you are jumping out of a plane (Come on! It is just imagining). You are floating and half way down and you see the canopy of your parachute flying above you. What do you imagine below you?

 A field of grass and a pasture filled with flowers
 A rocky landscape
 Wild animals with their mouths open
 A flowing river

Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery

Happy Landings

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You can't have everything. That may seem like a statement of the obvious, but it's surprising how many people seem to forget the fact when you're making their decisions. Something in human nature refuses to accept that universal rule. We want to believe we can have it all, if only because it makes for a pleasant fantasy. You can dream what you like, but even if you were the wealthiest person on the planet, there would be some things your money couldn't buy.

Imagine that you have discovered a magical lamp. A genie appears when you rub it and offers to grant you a single wish in return for setting it free. You can wish for anything in the world you want (with the standard wish granter's stipulation of no wishing for more wishes). What do you wish for?

Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery

Make A Wish

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For many, finding the right pair of shoes is more than just a reason to go shopping. It is an obsession. Furthermore, the shoes are very important. It is an object that gives confidence to the mode and putting the finishing touches in all the appearance. No clothes that look good with the bad choice of footwear. Any athlete can tell you that the shoes may not make you run faster, jump higher, or throw a ball farther. But at least you love to do it. For all of us, there are few feelings better than the first day spent on wear a new pair of comfortable shoes. Yes, although we may not notice them, the shoes are amazing holding power over our lives.
Imagine you are a pair of comfortable shoes. If you can choose who you are wearing. Who is he?

Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery

If the shoe fits

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The world is full of other people, and their number grows day by day. For most of us, our social worlds also expand a little each day. Most of our contacts with others are random, chance encounters with people we may never meet a second time. But sometimes fate has other plans, and the stranger you met just yesterday may change your life tomorrow. That uncertainty is one of the things that keep life interesting. Yes, each of our circles of acquaintances is constantly expanding. But when you take a moment to reflect, you may be surprised at how that circle is not as wide as you might have thought.

(For this exercise, you'll need a blank paper and a pencil or pen.)
  1. Write your name in a box in the center of the paper.
  2. Try to fill the remaining blank space on the page with the names of people you know. Take as long as you need, but try to fill in the entire page.
  3. Draw a single horizontal line through the center of the page. It should cut through the box with you name in it.
  4. Choose a name at random in each of the two sections of the page and circle them both.
Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery

Your name here

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We humans excel at many things. However, floating isn't one of them. Sure, with a little practice and a lot of effort we might manage to keep our heads above water for a few laps in the swimming pool, but none of us would fare very well if dropped in the middle of the ocean without a life preserver. But, as always seems to be the case, human ingenuity has made up for the short-comings of the body and provided us with boats. And thanks to those seaworthy craft, now there is no spot on the surface of the world's waters that lies beyond our reach.
Imagine that you are a boat floating on the water. Which of the following describes you? (click a boat to see the result)

A raft of rough-hewn logs
A sturdy rowboat
A racing yacht
A cruise ship
Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery

Skimming the surface

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There are breathtaking mountain vistas, sweeping metropolitan skylines, rugged tracts of forest that stretch as far as the eye can see, and gentle country landscapes dotted with fields and farms, but of all the scenic views in the world, none can stir the imagination and calm the soul like the unbroken line where the sky meets the sea. That blue horizon is a vast space inviting the mind to relax and unwind, to soar above and dive within, to dream...
You are staying at a resort hotel with ocean view. Lying on your bed, you gaze out a huge bay window across the cool blue waters, and lulled by the scene, you drift off to sleep. Which of the following view greets you when you awake? (click a picture to see the result)

A bright midday sun burning over the sea
The dark ocean sleeping beneath a starry night sky
A cool mist rolling in over the waters
The sun just beginning to sink beneath the horizon at dusk
Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery

Where the Sky meets the Sea

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