Reading You Like a Book

Some are very fussy about their books, refusing to read anything outside of a particular genre or subject matter. Others read indiscriminately, devouring volume after volume without pattern or preference. Many read only on occasion or when work or study demands it. And then there are those who simply don't read at all if they can avoid it.
But for those who do read, not just out of necessity, but for the sheer pleasure and relaxation it affords, finding a good book is almost like making a new friend. There's a sense of simultaneous familiarity and discovery. It's as if a window has opened into a previously unimagined world, but one you sensed was waiting for you all along. Sometimes it's almost as if the book has chosen you.

  1. A book lies open in front of you. What type of story does it contain?
  2. You begin to read and soon find that you yourself are a character in the story. What kind of role do you play?
  3. You read further and come to a section where the pages have been damaged, making them nearly impossible to read. What part of the story is it?
  4. You have just closed the cover after finishing the book. How was the ending?
Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery


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