Skimming the surface

We humans excel at many things. However, floating isn't one of them. Sure, with a little practice and a lot of effort we might manage to keep our heads above water for a few laps in the swimming pool, but none of us would fare very well if dropped in the middle of the ocean without a life preserver. But, as always seems to be the case, human ingenuity has made up for the short-comings of the body and provided us with boats. And thanks to those seaworthy craft, now there is no spot on the surface of the world's waters that lies beyond our reach.
Imagine that you are a boat floating on the water. Which of the following describes you? (click a boat to see the result)

A raft of rough-hewn logs
A sturdy rowboat
A racing yacht
A cruise ship
Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery


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