Most American children now have access to home computers and are using them for everything from playing games to doing schoolwork to chatting with friends via e-mail to surfing the Web. Although research on the effects of children’s use of home computers is still sketchy and ambiguous, some initial indications of positive and negative effects are beginning to emerge.

Displacement of other activities
When children use computers at home instead of watching television, it is generally viewed as positive; but when children use computers instead of participating in sports and other physical activities, it raises concerns about the possible effects on their physical and psychological well-being. Yet little research exists on how children’s growing use of computers may be displacing activities other than television viewing, and the few findings that exist are ambiguous. Some evidence indicates that children who use home computers may watch less television than nonusers, but other evidence suggests that television viewing remains the same or might even increase with the use of home computers.
Children in homes with computers also spent less time watching videotapes and more time doing schoolwork and reading magazines or newspapers, compared with children in homes without computers
Still others suggest that, because of the growing trend to link the content of various media – as exemplified by the ‘tie-ins’ between children’s television shows, computer games, and Web sites – computer use may not displace television, but may instead lead to an increase in television viewing. Furthermore, it appears that greater access to home computers may actually be increasing children’s total ‘screen time’, that is, time spent using a computer, playing video games, and watching television combined. As the combined amount of time children spend across these various media increases, the likelihood of displacing time spent on organized sports and other physical activities also increases, thus exacerbating the impact on children’s physical and psychological well-being.

The impact of home computer use on children’s activities and development

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The tool, once considered a toy for the elite, has today crossed social and geographical boundaries to find its way into the hands of the young, the old, the rich and the poor, even in communities largely untouched by new technologies.

Teenagers have become the conduits through which mobile phones have found their way into the wider society. For the young throughout the world the sense of freedom of movement and the privacy afforded by the mobile are highly valued.

How the mobile phone changed the world

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Advances in Technology, especially the extensive use of computers in business and for private use, have brought with them new kinds of crime, such as the crimes of stealing. And it is not only money that is stolen by computer. It is estimated that approximately 2 billion dollars worth of computer software is stolen from the Internet each year. Then there is the theft of information.

There are also crimes associated with selling over the Internet. For example, a fake company can set up a website and offer goods for sale, goods that don’t actually exist. The unsuspecting consumer may be tricked into sending money or credit card details to the company. Or the goods for sale may be counterfeit. One U.S Company that investigates businesses on the Internet estimates that up to 20 percent of all brand-name goods sole over the Net are fakes.

Computers and crimes

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We often hear and read about controversial issues in science and technology. For example, will radiation from electronic equipment negatively change or destroy the environment? Should the DNA samples of convicted criminals be put into a computer database so investigators can compare it to the DNA of blood at murder scenes? Should medical scientists change gene structures to prevent genetic disease or to create "more perfect" human beings? While people are arguing about these and other controversial subjects, technology continues to influence every aspect of everyday life - the home, health and education, entertainment and communication.

Some people carry on active social lives with computers – their own or the ones available at terminals in public places like cafes, social centers and libraries. Communicating with others on electronic bulletin boards or in chat rooms, computer users can get to know people they might never meet in traditional ways. Some look for potential dates or mates by computer: they might place personal ads with photos on the screen or produce digitized video segments for their Websites. With webcams, two people with cameras in their computers can see and talk to each other from separate places.

Everyday Uses of Technology

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Multinationals are large international companies which produce goods in many countries throughout the world. Some well-known ones are Ford, Shell, Coca-Cola, Sony and Unilever. Their turnover is huge, in some cases greater than the national income of some countries. Because they are so big, they attract a lot of media attention, and their business methods are usually carefully watched by foreign governments.


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Advertising has a major influence on everyday life. It allows a company to persuade a potential customer of the benefits of a product or service. The most effective advertisements catch the attention of their target audience, and say something that is both meaningful and believable.

Different advertisers try to appeal to people in different ways. They try to persuade people by appealing to their feelings (emotional appeal) or to their thoughts and ideas and intelligence (factual appeal). Some advertisements use a combination of both types of appeal. As well as products, advertisements can advertise a service.

The style of the advertising campaign is often determined by an advertising agency that the company hires. The agency may use a number of strategies and techniques to promote the product in its campaign.

Repetitive advertising
The most important technique is repetitive advertising which is a technique that uses frequent showings of an advertisement to remind consumers about a particular product. Advertisers believe that if the general public is constantly exposed to the ad, they are more likely to buy the product being promoted. A typical example of this is fast food advertisements, which are run during commercial breaks on television. For instance, the same advertisement for McDonalds may be repeated several times during one break or shown once during each break throughout a movie or sporting event. Viewers who are bombarded by these junk food images find them fixed in their mind and, as a result, difficult to resist. This is the way that repetitive advertising works.

Another technique employed in advertising is the use of slogans. Slogans are short phrases which are easy to remember. American Express uses the slogan ‘Don’t leave home without it’. This slogan is used repeatedly so that people readily associate it with the credit card.

Appeal of advertisements

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Children are spending more and more time in front of a screen, TV or computer, according to studies around the world. Some children spend at least two hours each day watching television. For each hour of commercial broadcasting, children may see as many as 30 advertisements. When they play computer games, however, there are no such estimates to rely on. As well as watching television, many children play online games with their friends.
When they play computer games there is little parental involvement. This creates an opportunity, like never before, for advertisers to reach children directly.

Through innocent eyes

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Advertising is the part of the business that is concerned with the way that a product is promoted. It is an important part of a company’s marketing strategy which involves decisions on a product’s price and distribution as well as the development of an advertising campaign. It is such a profitable business that the cost of advertising a product is often more than the cost of making it. For example, a box of cereal costs three or four dollars. However, the grain only costs about 10 cents, the packaging costs about 90 cents and much of the other two or three dollars pays for advertising.
Advertisements try to persuade us to buy things or do things. One way of doing this is by making opinions sound like facts.


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Marketing is the part of a business that is concerned with the way a product, service or idea is sold. For example, the marketing department of a business thinks of and develops a product, and then decides on the price of the product, the particular place - shops or areas where the product should be sold (distribution) and the promotion - the way the product should be advertised. These four Ps are known as the marketing mix. The word "mix" is used to describe the importance of combining all four elements into a marketing plan for a successful exchange of a particular product, service or idea between manufactures and consumers.

Advertising and marketing

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It turns out that a scientist can see the future by watching four-year-olds with a sweet. The researcher invites the children into a plain room. You can have this sweet right now, he says, but if you wait while I go out for a few minutes, you can have two sweets when I get back. Then he leaves.
Some children grab the treat the moment he's out of the door. Some last a few minutes before they give in, but others are determined to wait. They cover their eyes, they put their heads down, they sing to themselves, they try to play games or even fall asleep. When the researcher returns, he gives these children their sweets, and then, science waits for them to grow up.

Emotional Intelligence

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For an increasing number of high school students it seems hard work is no substitute for cheating in examinations. It is evident in many high schools all around the world. At one school, bags of ‘cheat sheets’ (i.e. small pieces of paper taken into tests to help students cheat) were discovered.

Prosperous cheats

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Many of the latest scientific accomplishments fall in the realm of 'pure' science. This is research for the sack of increasing man's knowledge without concern about how the knowledge is going to be used. In contrast with pure science is 'applied' science. The production of synthetic diamonds is an example of applied science. In applied science the facts and principles of pure science are used in the solution of a problem which was or will have immediate economic and social importance.

Pure science and applied science

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It is very important to have healthy teeth. Good teeth help us to chew our food. They also help us to look nice.
How does a tooth go bad? The decay begins in a little crack in the enamel covering of the tooth. This happens after germs and bits of food have collected there. Then the decay slowly spreads inside the tooth. Eventually, poison goes into the blood, and we may feel quite ill.
How can we keep our teeth healthy? First, we ought to visit our dentist twice a year, he can fill the small holes in our teeth before they destroy the teeth. He can examine our teeth to check that they are growing in the right way. Unfortunately, many people wait until they have toothache before they see a dentist.

Keeping our teeth healthy

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Some people believe that soon schools will no longer be necessary. These people say that because of the Internet and other new technologies, there is no longer any need for school buildings, former classes, or teachers. Perhaps this will be true one day, but it is hard to imagine a world without schools. In fact, we need to look at how we can use new technology to make schools better, not to eliminate them.

Will technology replace schools?

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1. Which continent has the largest land area?
a. Africa
b. Asia
c. North America

2. Which is the longest river?
a. Yangzi
b. Nile
c. Mekong
3. Which river is the largest?
a. Yangzi
b. Ganges
c. Amazon
4. Which is the largest gulf?
a. Gulf of Thailand
b. Gulf of Mexico
c. Gulf of Carpentaria (Australia)
5. Where is the lowest point of land?
a. Dead Sea, Jordan-Israel
b. Mahovae Desert, U.S.A.
c. Rift Valley, Kenya
6. Which is the largest island?
a. Greenland
b. Madagascar
c. Hainan, China
7. Which is the highest mountain?
a. Mt. Fuji
b. Mt. Everest
c. Mt. Kilimanjaro
8. Which is the longest mountain range?
a. Andes, South America
b. Himalayas, Asia
c. Rockies, North America
9. Which is the smallest ocean?
a. Atlantic
b. Arctic
c. Pacific

How good is your world geography?

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Psychologists say there is a common myth about happiness and money. Many people believe that if you have a lot of money you will be happy. However, this is not true.
Unemployment, sickness, lack of education or some kind of natural disaster can be the cause of people not having enough money for food or somewhere to live. They have to work hard, and they worry a lot about the future. Food and shelter are the basic needs of all people and if people are too poor to be able to provide these needs for themselves or their family it is difficult to be happy. So in some ways money and happiness do go together.

What is Happiness?

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More and more people are choosing to give up their jobs and follow their dream of setting up their own company.

Being your own boss has many obvious advantages. The main advantage is that you are in charge. You have the opportunity to do something you really believe in, such as offering a new product or providing a new service. Another advantage is that you do not have a boss watching over you, which gives you more freedom to do things your way. Finally, the greatest advantage of all for some people, you could also become extremely rich if your company becomes successful.

Which is better, working for someone else or being your own boss?

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There's no such thing as a free lunch
'Get a free camera when you subscribe to our magazine for two years.' There's something about the word 'free' that immediately attracts us - something for nothing - I want it! The idea makes us feel clever, as if we've got the better of the company. But that camera (which will probably break as soon as you get it out of the box) wasn't a gift at all. In spite of the advert saying it was free, its price was really included in the magazine subscription.

Buy now while stocks last!
'There are only a few left! And after they've been sold, there won't be any more available.' What happens when we read or hear these words? Even though we don't really need the products, maybe don't even like them, we immediately want to be among the lucky few who have them. But no manufactured products are ever scarce. Do you really think the manufacturers of that 'limited edition' DVD couldn't produce a few more, if they thought they could sell them?

How advertisers win our hearts and minds ... and get our money

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  1. Don't make your presentation too long
  2. Don't have more than four or five main points
  3. Even if something distracting happens try not to lose your concentration
  4. Be careful about telling jokes - they may not be appropriate
  5. Always be punctual: start on time and try to finish on time
  6. Get to know as much as possible about your audience beforehand
  7. Try not to repeat yourself too much
  8. Be careful not to speak too fast
  9. Practise your presentation beforehand
  10. Make sure the equipment you need is working properly before you start

Ten top tips for speaking in public

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Do this test tonight when you go to bed. Put a plate on the floor next to your bed. Lie down with one hand hanging over the bed holding a spoon above the plate. When you fall asleep, the spoon will fall on the plate and should wake you up. If you don't wake up until the next day, it probably means you are 'sleep deprived'.
We live in a world of tired, sleep deprived people. We all know the importance of having a healthy diet and doing exercise, but we don't worry enough about sleeping the hours we need. We might live longer and happier lives if we took our beds as seriously as our running shoes.

Sleepy people - the dangers of sleep deprivation

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One of the areas of our body which conveys most about how we feel is how we move our hands and arms. Hand and arm gestures are sometimes deliberate, but most often they occur unconsciously and naturally

Saying something important
Open hands and arms, especially extended, and with palms up in front of the body at chest height, indicate that what you're saying is important, and especially when people are speaking in public, a pointing finger or a hand waving above the shoulders emphasizes an individual point. However, research shows that people often find speakers who point their fingers a lot rather annoying.

Let your body do the talking

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Climate change is now something that we cannot close your eyes to, and governments all over the world have finally realized that they have to sit up and take notice. These are some of the things that many scientists predict will happen it we carry on polluting the atmosphere with CO2 emissions.

Short term: by the year 2050

  • More than a third of the world's plant and animal species will have become extinct.
  • The ice in the Arctic Sea will melt every summer, causing the extinction of polar bears, and many glaciers, for example on Mount Kilimanjaro, will have melted completely.
  • 50% of the worlds ski resorts will have closed down due to lack of snow.

Storm clouds on the horizon

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THE WORD OR PHRASE that you use to open your email account may provide a key to your personality as well as to your correspondence.

Three main password 'genres'
'Family oriented' people use their own name or nickname, the name of a child, partner, or pet, or a birth date as their password. They tend to be occasional computer users and have strong family ties. They choose passwords that symbolize people or events with emotional value.
'Fans' use the names of athletes, singers, movie stars, fictional characters, or sport teams. Fans are young and want to ally themselves with the lifestyle represented by a celebrity.
'Cryptics' pick unintelligible passwords or a random string of letters, numerals, and symbols such as 'Jxa+157'. Cryptics are the most security-conscious group. They tend to make the safest but least interesting choices.

Passwords reveal your personality

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For decades, doctors have warned us about the dangers of stress and have given us advice about how to cut down our stress levels. Everyone agrees that long-term stress, for example having to look after someone who has a chronic illness, or stressful situations where there is nothing we can do, for example being stuck in a traffic jam, is bad for our health and should be avoided whenever possible. However, some medical experts now believe that certain kinds of stress may actually be good for us.

'Good stress' is beneficial to our health and may, in fact, help us stay young and attractive and even live longer. 'Good stress' can strengthen our natural defenses which protect us from illnesses common among older people, such as Alzheimer's, arthritis, and heart problems. He believes that 'good stress' can increase the production of the proteins that help to repair the body's cells, including brain cells.

Get stressed, stay young

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Can psychics really see the future? There are some of the techniques used by psychics ...

1 The flattering statement

Something psychics always do is say something that's true of almost anyone on the planet, preferably something positive. An all-time favourite is 'You're intelligent with a great sense of humor'. Who is going to answer, 'Well actually, I'm not. I'm really stupid and have no sense of humor at all'?

2 Identifying common medical problems

Statistics confirm that a headache is the most common female health problem and almost 50% of men have a scar on their leg, so it's not really surprising when a psychic 'sees' these problems.

Tricks of the trade

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Your signature is the part of your handwriting that says the most about your personality. It is quite normal for your signature to change during your life, as your signature reflects how you evolve as a person. It is also common to have several signatures, for example a more formal signature (name and surname) when you sign a credit card or passport, and an informal signature (just your first name) when you sign a birthday card.

Your formal signature
A signature usually contains either a first name and a surname, or initials and a surname, or, less frequently a first name and initials. Your first name represents your private or family self, and your surname represents your public self, how you are socially and at work.
If your first name is more prominent in your signature, this implies that you have positive feelings about your childhood and that your 'private' self is more important to you than you 'public' self.
If your surname is more prominent, this means that your 'public' self is more important to you. The more space there is between your name and surname, the more you wish to keep your public and private self separate.
If you use only initials either for your first name or your surname in your signature, this means that you are more secretive about this part of your personality (your private or public persona).

What your signature says about you

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Are you somebody who can't wake up in the mornings? Do you need two cups of coffee before you can start a new day? Do you feel awful when you first wake up? Scientists say it's all because of our genes. How did they find this out?

Researchers discovered that we all have a 'clock' gene, also called a Period 3 gene. This gene can be long or short. People who have the long gene are usually people who are very good in the morning, but who get tired quite early at night. People who have the short gene are usually people who are more active at night but who have problems waking up early in the morning. How does it help us to know if we have the long or short gene? Scientists say that, if possible, we should try to change our working hours to fit our 'body clock'. If you are a 'morning person' then you could start work early and finish early. But if you are bad in the morning, then it might be better to start work in the afternoon and work until late at night. So maybe, instead of nine to five it should be seven to three or twelve to eight.

Are you allergic to mornings?

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When you have to choose between two possibilities

  • Take your time. The most important thing is not to make a decision in a hurry
  • Make a list of the positive and negative points for both options. Then decide which points are most important and compare the two lists.
  • If you ask other people for their advice, don't ask more than one or two. If you ask a lot of people, this will probably confuse you.
  • Use your imagination to help you. Imagine yourself in both situations. How do you feel? Relaxed or stressed?
  • When you've made a decision, wait a bit before you tell other people, to see how you feel. If you feel comfortable with your decision after an hour, you have probably made the right decision.
  • Finally, remember that you can't have everything. Choosing one or two possibilities always means that you can't have the one you didn't choose. And it's impossible to always make the right decision!

How to make decisions

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Match your personality to the job

1 I am good listening to people
2 I enjoy helping people with their problems
3 I don't mind earning a very large salary
4 I'd like to work as part of a team
5 I am good at making quick decisions
6 Taking risks doesn't stress me
7 I don't find difficult to work by myself
8 I'm not afraid of managing large amounts of money
9 I am good at expressing myself
10 I always try following my instincts
11 It's important for me to be creative
12 I enjoy improvising
13 Doing complex calculations is not difficult for me
14 I enjoy solving logical problems
15 I find it easy to understand theoretical principles
16 I am able to calculate space and distance

The right job for you

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Read the following statements 
3 = This is usually true about me
2 = This is sometimes true about me
1 = This is hardly ever true about me

1 I enjoy talking to people I haven't met before
2 I don't worry or feel anxious about life
3 I enjoy trying new food and drink
4 I listen to my instinct
5 When I need to calm down I just go to a quiet place
6 I try to learn from my mistakes
7 I try to get what I want from life
8 I expect people I meet to be pleasant, friendly, and helpful
9 I'm an optimist. I look on the bright side of life
10 When things are bad I think things will get better soon
11 I don't think about bad luck I have had in the past
12 I expect good things to happen to me in the future

How lucky are you?

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Some people seem to be born lucky - they meet their perfect partners, achieve their ambitions, and live happy lives.

People who think they are lucky achieve more success and happiness than those who don't. Without realizing it, they are creating good fortune in their lives.

Can we make our own luck?

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Not long ago people believed that in the future we would work less, have more free time, and be more relaxed. But sadly this has not happened. Today we work harder, work longer hours, and are more stressed than ten years ago. We walk faster, talk faster, and sleep less than previous generations. And although we are obsessed with machines which save us time, we have less free time than our parents and grandparents had. But what is this doing to our health? People who live in cities are suffering from 'hurry sickness' - we are always trying to do more things in less time. As a result, our lives are more stressful. If we don't slow down, we won't live as long as our parents. For most people, faster doesn't mean better.

We're living faster but are we living better?

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We make them and we break them, because some promises are very hard to keep. Here are the top six most common broken promises ...

Promises, promises

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A Why do we need to drink water?

We all know that our bodies need water. Water cleans our body, controls our temperature, and helps to keep us healthy. About 70% of our body is water.

B How much water do we need to drink a day?

We often read that we need to drink at least eight glasses of water a day (about two litres). The idea probably came from mineral water companies! In fact, how much water we need depends on the weather and on what we're doing. When we are hot, of if we do sport or exercise, we need to drink more. Some experts say that, in normal conditions, we only really need about on litre a day.

Water - facts and myths

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There are many romantic films, but there are only five basic types of love story: First love, Obsession, Teacher and pupil, Rich and poor, and Sacrifice. Here are some examples from Hollywood…

1 My Fair Lady                                    film type: Teacher and pupil

She is a poor girl who sells flowers and he is a university professor. He teaches her to speak English ‘like a princess’. She falls in love with him but he thinks she is only an interesting pupil. She gets angry and she leaves him. In the end he says he loves her

Five classic love stories – which one is yours?

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We all know that exercise is good for health. So on January 1st we often start the New Year with a good resolution - to go to the gym three times a week. But what happens? The first week we go three times, the second week we go twice, and the third we stop going. The same thing happens with diets. After Christmas we start a new healthy eating plan. We are very enthusiastic at first - but after two or three weeks, we stop.

Don't go to the gym in the winter!

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In Okinawa people live a very long time. They are hardly ever ill. Many people live to be 100 - more people than in other parts of the world. Why? What is their secret?

1 A healthy diet

The Okinawans eat vegetables, fruit, fish, soya, and rice. They usually have seven portions of fruit and vegetables a day. People don't usually drink much alcohol or smoke. They don't eat much meat or fast food.

2 Exercise

Physical activity is very important for the people of Okinawa. Martial arts, walking, traditional dancing, and gardening are very popular with people of all ages.

The mystery of Okinawa

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It’s not only women who love shopping – today men like it too. Some men say it’s their favorite hobby. But men and women shop in very different ways… 

Where do they go? 

Women Clothes shop, clothes shops, more clothes shops
Men      Clothes shop, electronics shops, music shops

Shopping: Men and Women Are Different

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1. How often do you do exercise?
a. Everyday
b. Quite often
c. Hardly ever/Never
2. Do you do a martial art, e.g. karate, tai chi?
a. Yes, often
b. Yes, sometimes
c. No, never
3. How many portions of fruit and vegetables do you eat a day?
a. Seven potions a day
b. Five portions a day
c. Less than five potions a day
4. How often do you eat meat?
a. Everyday
b. Three times a week
c. Hardly ever/Never
5. How often do you eat fish?
a. Three times a week
b. Once a week
c. Hardly ever/Never
6. How often do you drink alcohol?
a. Often
b. Sometimes
c. Hardly ever/Never
7. Do you smoke?
a. Yes
b. Sometimes
c. Never
8. How often do you meet your friends?
a. Everyday
b. Once or twice a week
c. Once a month
9. How often do you meditate?
a. Everyday
b. Sometimes
c. Hardly ever/Never
10. How often are you in a hurry?
a. Always
b. Sometimes
c. Hardly ever/Never

Do you live the Okinawa way?

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Doctors say that the traditional diet in some Mediterranean countries, for example Greece and Italy, is very healthy. 

Why is it good for you? 

In these countries people eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, bread, pasta, rice, fish, olive oil, and wine. They don’t eat a lot of red meat or butter. This diet is very good for your heart and people in these countries live longer than in other countries.

Eat the Mediterranean way

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A college professor had his sociology class go into the Baltimore slums to get case histories of 200 young boys. They were asked to write an evaluation of each boy’s future. In every case the students wrote, “He hasn’t got a chance.”
Twenty-five years later, another sociology professor came across the earlier study. He had his students follow up on the project to see what had happened to these boys. With the exception of 20 boys who had moved away or not contacted, the students learned that 176 of the remaining 180 had achieved more than ordinary success as lawyers, doctors and businessmen.

Love: The One Creative Force

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As you fall asleep, you enter what could be called another world, as far from this one as any distant star. In that remote space, even familiar voices and sounds seem alien and strange. It is a world utterly removed from the one where we spend our waking hours, a world where the mind is free to roam.

You are lying in bed in that foggy zone between consciousness and sleep when the telephone of your bedside rings. It takes a tremendous effort to reach out for the receiver, almost as if you were moving underwater. You fumble to get the right ends aligned with your mouth and ear and manage to mumble, “Hello?” Who is the voice on the other end of the line, and what does that person say to you?

Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery

Midnight caller

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