Storm clouds on the horizon

Climate change is now something that we cannot close your eyes to, and governments all over the world have finally realized that they have to sit up and take notice. These are some of the things that many scientists predict will happen it we carry on polluting the atmosphere with CO2 emissions.

Short term: by the year 2050

  • More than a third of the world's plant and animal species will have become extinct.
  • The ice in the Arctic Sea will melt every summer, causing the extinction of polar bears, and many glaciers, for example on Mount Kilimanjaro, will have melted completely.
  • 50% of the worlds ski resorts will have closed down due to lack of snow.

Mid term: by the year 2100

  • Sea levels will have risen by between 16cm and 69cm. This means that low-lying islands like the Maldives will no longer be habitable.
  • The number of serious coastal storms and tsunamis will have doubled.
  • Northern European cities, e.g. Paris and London will be suffering 50 days a year of heatwaves when temperatures are over 30°C (there are currently 6-9 days)

Long term: by the year 3000

  • Temperatures will have risen by about 15°C
  • Sea levels will have risen by more than 11 metres, flooding large areas of Bangladesh, and many low-lying cities, such as London. Hundreds of millions of people will be displaced.
  • One third of the world will be having from extreme droughts, and half the world will be having moderate droughts. Tens of millions of Africans will have to emigrate.

What can YOU do to help? The top tips

  1. Fly less. Use buses or trains instead where possible.
  2. Drive as little as possible. Use bikes, or public transport. And if you need to drive, buy a hybrid, a car which has an extra electric motor which charges up when you brake. You could also car share with a friend.
  3. Use only energy-saving light bulbs
  4. Plan trees. Two or three dozen trees can absorb a whole household's emissions of CO2
  5. Don't keep your TV or other electrical appliances on standby. Switch them off completely
  6. Use the cold water wash on your washing machine, and use a dishwasher, on the economy programme, which use less energy and water than hand-washing dishes.
  7. Try to buy organic food, it possible which has been grown locally. Take your own plastic bag when you go to supermarkets.
  8. Turn your heating down and wear a sweater if you're cold. If you use air conditioning, don't have it at less than 25°C
  9. Have showers not baths
  10. Support an environmental organization
  11. Regularly recycle paper, glass, plastic, and household waste
  12. Vote for the political party which is doing the most to combat climate change


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