You are working for an urban planning corporation and have been assigned to the community development team for a major project.

  1. You have been asked to come up with an inspirational theme for the city. What theme do you propose?
  2. The project team has a number of members, each with a certain set of experiences and skills. Why do you think you were selected to participate in this project? (Give as many reasons as you like.)
  3. What kind of person is the project manager? Describe his or her personality and qualities as a leader.
Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery

Building a New Tomorrow

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Sometimes a stroll along a sandy beach can transport you much further from your everyday reality than the actual distance you walk. That may be why the sea holds a special place in the lovers' hearts. It provides them with the chance to journey together, if only for a brief time, into another world.

  1. You are walking along a quiet beach. As you wander the dunes, you spot a surfboard washed up on the sand. Describe the surfboard and the impression it makes on you.
  2. You climb onto the board and paddle out to try your luck on the waves. How are the conditions for surfing today?
  3. You have managed to get to your feet and are experiencing the thrill of actually riding the wave, when suddenly you wipe out and tumble headfirst into the water. What do you think, feel, or try to scream as you struggle to find your way back to the surface?
  4. You finally emerge from the water unscathed, and looking back toward the beach, you see that a person you know has been watching you. Who is that person?
Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery

Wave After Wave

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It isn't every day that you have the time to take a leisurely stroll around the neighborhood: a stroll without purpose or destination, a chance to stretch your legs, let the mind wander, and get reacquainted with some old familiar sights. On your way, perhaps you'd stop in at a cozy coffee shop, explore the paths of a favorite park, or take the opportunity to do some window-shopping. Then there are those days when it's enough just to let your feet decide your course...
Picture yourself on a stroll through town. The day is beautiful and you're half-lost in a daydream. You turn onto a street that you've never been down before, and as you walk you pass a beautiful house set somewhat back from the street. Pausing a moment to admire the lovely home, you notice the door is half-open.

Why is the door ajar?
 The house is being burglarized.
 The owner forgot to close it.
 The owner is inside, sweeping out the entranceway.

Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery

When Is a Door Not a Door?

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Life is often compared to a drama — it’s an easy comparison to make. The coming and going of the characters, the suspense as each day’s plot unfolds, the lines we hear spoken, and the acts performed: you could say we live each day on stage. There are even genres to the stories — office comedies and after - school specials, sometimes even a mystery or romance. And the star of each daily episode is... YOU! That’s what makes life’s drama so fascinating and endlessly varied — every cast member in every scene, every extra on the street, is the star of his or her own story in a plot that gets more complex every day. Even the simplest exchange between two people can have infinite implications as the drama plays out. Maybe that’s why, despite the same old character and story lines we can never seem to get enough. In the next scenario the curtain is up, the crowd is waiting and the spotlight is on YOU.

  1. You are a member of a theater group. What type of play do you most want to act in? In the play, what do you picture as your big scene? Explain.
  2. You audition for the part and are chosen from among all your fellow performers for the starring role. What words does your main rival have for you on being chosen?
  3. At the last dress rehearsal before opening night, you see the director sitting with his arms crossed in front of him. He looks dissatisfied with your performance. What is it he doesn’t like?
  4. The performance goes off without a hitch, and the play was a huge success. The crowd has gone home happy after the encore, and the theater is quiet. What do you say to the empty hall as you stand there looking out for the darkened stage?
Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery

All the World's a Stage

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In times of stress and frustration, it’s normal and natural for people to want to shed their troubles and leave the world behind. Think about it. When you love someone who doesn’t love you back, or things just aren’t going your way at work, sometimes the easiest solution is to get as far away as possible until the feeling fades. Getting away gives you the chance to free your mind and do the things you want to do. but as much as we’d like to drop everything and walk out the door, it’s easier to dream about than to do. Maybe that’s what makes us turn to the heavens for relief — we all just want a chance to fly and be free.

  1. You have decided to try skydiving and are getting ready to make your first jump. You watch the other skydivers free-falling through the air as you stand on the ground waiting your turn. What is going through your mind?
  2. Your turn arrives, and you ready yourself as the plane climbs to ten thousand feet. Without looking back, you stand at the open doorway and step out into space. What do you scream on the way down?
  3. You’ve landed safely and are hauling in your chute when you see an instructor approaching you and calling out to you. What is the instructor saying?
Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery

Spreading Your Wings

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A hospital means different things to different people. Those coming in to have some undiagnosed malady examined for the first time may look on the place with a sense of anxiety and dread. But for those walking out the door after recovering from a long illness or delivering a beautiful, healthy baby, the hospital takes on associations of happiness and relief. The hospital is a world in itself, where life and death, sadness and joy, cross paths and intermingle on a daily basis. And for the people within, every day is another chance to heal not just the body, but the mind as well.
Perhaps you have been to the hospital before, or perhaps this is your first visit. Either way prepare yourself, because the doctor will see you now.

  1. You’re in the lobby of a medical clinic, waiting for your name to be called. A small boy is racing around the waiting area unattended, and you warn him to be careful and slow down. How does he react?
  2. The door to the examination room is open just a crack, and you catch a glimpse of a gray and unhealthy-looking person being examined by the doctor. The patient is a person you know. Who is it?
  3. The doctor’s aide comes out and calls your name. Strangely, the aide bears a very strong resemblance to someone you know. Whom does the aide look like?
  4. After your examination, the doctor calls you into his office, but when you enter he remains seated with his back turned to you, muttering to himself as he goes over your chart. He shows no signs of explaining things to you. What do you do?
Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery

The Doctor Will See You Now

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Coffee may be the quintessential adult drink. That rich aroma, that slightly bitter edge, the feeling of warmth and mellow anticipation as you blow the steam away before taking your first sip. It’s an experience you learn to enjoy as you leave childhood behind and serves as a sign that you have entered grown-up world. Somehow, despite the caffeine, in the proper setting, coffee soothes the nerves and relaxes the mind. A seat in a secluded corner of a coffee shop with a good book and some jazz playing softly in the background provides an ideal environment for many to take a step back from stresses and strains of work, studies or life itself and enjoy the true luxury of doing nothing at all, if only for the time it takes to finish a cup.

You work hard enough. Take a moment now for yourself and enjoy one of the privileges of adulthood. Will it be French roast? Rich Colombian? A decadent mocaccino? Go ahead, indulge yourself. You’ve earned it.
  1. It’s that rarest occasions, a day with nothing on the schedule, and you decide to enjoy some quality time with yourself with yourself in a coffee shop. Describe the atmosphere and ambience of the shop you choose.
  2. You order a cup of coffee. What do you do while waiting for it to be brought to your table?
  3. When the waiter delivers the coffee you ordered, how does it taste and how is its temperature?
Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery

When Your Tastes Have Grown Up

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You’re seated in a quiet diner. You flip open the menu and are pondering your selection when the waitress arrives and asks if you’re ready to order. Without thinking, you order a sandwich and a cup of coffee. But after she leaves, it comes to you - you’re in the mood for hot chocolate, not coffee!

What do you do next?
 Keep looking through the menu and thinking about how good some hot cocoa would taste.
 Look around to see if the waitress is going to come back.
 Get up and find the waitress so you can change your order.
 Give up and just wait for the coffee.

Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery

On Second Thought...

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Starting to work at a new job is always stressful; the unfamiliar people and environment, the million new things to be learned, the feeling of wanting to do a good job, and of course the inevitable goofs. We learn by making mistakes, then trying not to repeat them.
A friend of yours has just taken a job waiting tables at a restaurant. One day you decide to visit and see how the new jobs going but when you step inside you see your friend has gotten into some kind of trouble with one of the customers.

What did your friend do wrong? (Choose one item from the menu below)
 Didn’t come to the table even after being called.
 Made a mistake taking the order and brought the wrong food.
 Spilled something on the customer’s clothes.
 Started to clear the table before the customer had finished eating.

Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery

Just Can't Wait

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Remember practicing for your driver’s license and all the little things you had to learn? U-turns, parallel parking, hand signals, and car length... Sure, they’re all important, but that isn’t what driving is really all about. Driving is about the way you felt after passing those tests and taking to the road all by yourself for the very first time. It’s about being able to go where you want, when you want. It’s about power, freedom, and speed. And the car you drive is an expression of the way you view the whole driving experience. It tells the world something about who you are and what you want out of life.
Take a moment to picture your dream car, without giving any thought to expense or other practical considerations.

What kind of car do you envision yourself in?
 A high-performance vehicle with all the options.
 A marvel of design with a sleek and beautiful chassis.
 A status-symbol ride with a price tag to match.
 Anything will do as long as it runs.

Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery

Driving Machine

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They say that police develop a sixth sense about criminal mind. And each of us has a little bit of that criminal mind inside, which is why the police can never afford to be off duty. If you were a cop, how do you think you’d handle the pressures of the beat?

You’re in hot pursuit of a suspect fleeing a crime scene. After a long chase, you finally manage to run him down and make the arrest. You’re standing over him with your pistol in his face. Busted! What does the suspect say to you as he stares down the barrel of your gun?

Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery


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Think of what would it be like to be the best selling pop star in the world, the darling of the media and idol to millions. It is not such an uncommon fantasy to entertain as you sing along to the car radio or belt out hit after hit in the shower. You get a thrilling sense of satisfaction from being able to move people through the power of song.
You are a new recording artist, and you’ve just finished cutting your debut CD. Now all that remains is for you to decide on the cover design of the CD case.

What type of jacket design would you pick?
 A soothing scene using imagery or photos taken from some exotic location.
 A fun cartoonish design or other playful image.
 An abstract pattern without any obvious meaning, but one that makes people think.
 A picture of yourself.

Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery

Judging By Its Cover

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There’s no escaping from desire. From the time we’re children, we worry and want — I wish I were bigger, I want a new bike, I hope I don’t fail the spelling test. The desire for a better life is in us all. And while it often leads to frustration and a sense of failure, that same desire is the driving force behind the successes we do achieve. Of course, no one succeeds in life alone. Everyone benefits at some point from a bit of wise advice, a kind word, or even a harsh critique. Think of all the times you yourself have been carried through a crisis supported by the words of others. If the time came for you to be the one giving support, what kind of job do you think you would do?

  1. You are a psychotherapist with a private counseling service. In what kind of room do you hold your therapy sessions? Describe the room in detail.
  2. Your first patient for the day has arrived. What problem does he or she want to talk over with you, and what kind of counsel do you give?
  3. You sit across from the patient and give your professional advice. What kind of reaction do you get from the patient?
  4. Office hours are done for the day, and you’re at your desk doing paperwork when someone bursts in. Who is this person coming to you after hours? (Use the name of a person you know when answering.)
Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery

Doctor You

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You don't need an interior decorator or feng shui adviser to tell you that sometimes the smallest changes to a room's decor can have a surprisingly large impact. You don't have to replace or arrange the furniture just merely applying a different color of cushions on the sofa should do the trick, adding a new floor plant or a print on the wall, or even switching from a bright white to soft yellow lightbulbs can utterly transform the way a familiar room feels. Sometimes all it takes is a good session with the vacuum and the feather duster. But whatever the changes, be it big or small, they're sure to make you see your home in a new light.
You have decided to buy a new tablecloth for your dining room table. What kind of tablecloth do you want? (click a tablecloth to see the result)
A simple white tablecloth
A tablecloth in a "warm" color such as fuchsia, mustard, or apricot

A tablecloth in a "cool" color like periwinkle, teal, or moss
A tablecloth with a bright, multicolored pattern

Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery

Time for a Change

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Hand most people a pen and paper and ask them to draw something specific, and they will draw it for you without a second thought. But give them the same pen and paper and ask them to draw anything they like, and most will freeze up for a moment. Sometimes the prospect of total freedom makes us hesitate more than the most challenging obstacle.

You have single sheet of paper and a pair of scissors. You've been asked to cut the paper into two halves in any way you like. How do you cut the paper? (click the way of cutting paper to see the result)

Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery


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Toe to toe in the ring, mountains of muscle and bone square off for the fight of the century. The wrestlers glower with menace and pace like caged beasts. The crowd roars with anticipation as its most aggressive fantasies are about to be played out.
No other sporting event has the elemental appeal of professional wrestling. We may laugh about it or shake our heads, but its popularity endures.

If you had the chance to jump over that third rope, just for one night, what type of wrestler would you be? (choose one of the following.)
 A giant bruiser who bashes opponents into submission through sheer strength.
 A technical wizard who invents elaborate clinches, drop kicks, and slams for each new opponent you face.
 A villain type who resorts to illegal holds and banned objects every time the ref’s back is turned.
 An expressionless masked wrestler who never shows emotion or pain.

Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery

Ready to Rumble

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Every shape and design may be reduced to the same basic building blocks: points and lines. For some, those words may dredge up painful memories of high school geometry class. But they can also take us back to a time when the world was simple, to grade school art class when a house could be drawn using four squares and a triangle or a face created with a circle, two dots and a wavy line.

You’ll need a pen and paper for this game. Using a single circle and any number of triangles and squares, draw a design on the paper.

Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery

Circle, Triangle, Square

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Some days everything just seems to go your way. Traffic seems to clear a path for you on the way to work; your boss takes the day off; you win the office pool. And you’re all the happier because each new bit of luck comes as a pleasant surprise. Of course, there’s another side to the unexpected as well. All it takes is a run in your stocking or a stain on your favourite shirt to bring you right back to reality. Good or bad, it’s the little surprises that keep life interesting.
You go to the local bakery and buy a jelly doughnut. (You know, the kind without the hole but with jam stuffing inside) However, when you get home and take a bite, you discover it’s missing one essential ingredient — the jelly inside!

How do you react to this bit of bad luck?
 Take the defective doughnut back to the shop and get a new one.
 Say to yourself, "These things happen" and eat the empty doughnut as it is.
 Eat something else.
 Try filling the empty doughnut with something like maple syrup or jam to make it taste better.

Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery

Empty Inside

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Let’s return once again to the amusement park to continue our exploration into the attractions of the unconscious mind. You’re already familiar with some of the rides, like the dizzy excitement of the roller coaster. The house of horrors still lies waiting, but that’s best left for couples to explore. How about a walk through the labyrinth instead?

You found your way through the giant maze and are standing at the exit. Which of these statements best describes how you feel?
 "That was too easy. I was done in no time. What a piece of cake!"
 "Well, it took a while to get through, but looking back, I guess it was really no big deal."
 "Boy, was I lost! For a while there I thought I was never going to get out."
 "I hooked up with a group of people inside and they showed me the way out. Otherwise I might still be in there."

Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery

The Labyrinth

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Monster! We all use the word, but who among us have ever seen one? Ask a hundred people to draw a monster and they’ ll paint you a hundred very different pictures. There are all kinds of monsters— the ones we see in movies, those that chase us through our dreams, the monsters of fairy tales, ghost stories, and even video games. They range from three-hundred-foot lizards to monsters in human form. What image does the word conjure up for you?
A monster is stalking the landscape, terrifying and unstoppable, and it is heading your way.

This monster is out of control with rage and can’t be talked to or reasoned with. But why is it so angry?
 It’s hungry and hunting for food.
 It’s searching for its lost love.
 It’s despondent because it’s so ugly
 It’s angry at the entire world.

Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery


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Have you ever had a true adventure, the kind you read about in novels or watch on the silver screen? An action-filled series of cliff-hanging scrapes and brushes with destiny, and of course a touch of romance to keep interesting levels high? Wouldn’t you like to?

  1. You are a warrior in an ancient kingdom and have been chosen to accompany the most famous hero in the land on a mission to recover a stolen treasure. What does the hero say to you as you prepare to embark on your quest?
  2. Before you set off, the king summons you and gives you a sword to see you through your adventure. What kind of sword is it? Describe it in detail.
  3. Your travels take you over high mountains and through dense old forests, and you encounter many obstacles and crises along the way. Now you have finally arrived at the mouth of the cave where the stolen treasure lies waiting. How many enemies have you met thus far in the course of your adventure?
  4. You enter the cavern and finally discover the treasure you have been seeking. At that moment, what expression crosses the face of the great hero you accompanied on this quest? Describe the expression in detail.
Source: Kokology - The Game of Self-Discovery

A True Adventure

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