Imagine you are on the road to your dream house.

1. The road you are walking on is:

 Wide and spacious, with cool trees on both sides.
 It is a road in the middle of a bumpy ravine, but the mountain scenery is very attractive.
 The trail goes through a mountain. The field is empty, the sun is shining overhead.

2. You walk while listening to music, waving a bunch of keys in your hand. That is:

 Old key.
 New key.

3. At the end of the road, you go into the forest. Suddenly a tiger jumps out to threaten you. You will:

 When in a pinch, the best course of action is to flee.
 Seeing a tree log around, you grab it and throw it at the tiger. No matter what, you're about to be attacked, so it's better to fight heroically.
 You climb a very high tree, tie yourself to the tree and take a nap, waiting for the tiger to go away.

4. After escaping the tiger, you will continue your journey to the house. That is the inheritance you receive. That house:

 Big, beautiful, majestic, comfortable.
 Ordinary, nothing special.
 Ancient, full of strange mysteries.

5. How many windows do you want that house to have?

 Less, you don't want to have to close and open windows all day.
 Just enough.
 The more the better. You really like the window frames.

Road to dream house

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Bright electric lights, full of funny or warm colors, flashing or pensive, are all signs of human life. On special occasions such as Christmas or New Year, the lights are even more meaningful to signal the joy of gathering or show the bustling atmosphere that surrounds everyone. You are sitting at home waiting for your best friend coming and hanging out on Christmas Eve. You rest your chin and dreamily think about the meaning of the lights in your life. 

Close your eyes for a few seconds, and what kind of lights do you think of?

 Street lights
 Table lamp
 Mount ceiling lights


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